• Wallets category
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I was visiting Oxnard CA and staying in a hotel room when I dropped my wallet somewhere along a sidewalk without knowing. It's a thick black leather tri-fold wallet

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Ridge Wallet / Wallets

Colombo | Jan. 21, 2024, 4:45 p.m.

Missing ridge wallet, it is black card holder with debit card and Id cards. The name on it is Khoa Nguyen. Will pay good money if found. Dropped in a tuk tuk with license plate ABS-0553, if you know something reach out at my cell: +94771077553 රිජ් පසුම්බිය අස්ථානගත වී ඇත, එය ඩෙබිට් කාඩ් සහ හැඳුනුම්පත් සහිත කළු කාඩ්පත් හිමියෙකි. එහි නම Khoa Nguyen. හොයාගත්තොත් හොඳ මුදලක් ගෙවනවා. ABS-0553 බලපත්‍ර තහඩුවක් සහිත tuk tuk එකක දමා ඇත, ඔබ යමක් දන්නේ නම් මගේ කොටුවට සම්බන්ධ වන්න: +94771077553


Lost Grey Wallet Near Phi Garden on Rothschild / Wallets

Tel Aviv | Dec. 28, 2023, 1:35 p.m.

Last Saturday night, 23DEC, I lost my wallet near Phi Club on Rotschild. It is a grey Prada wallet.


Dark Blue Walette with all credentials Sahnoun Houssain / Wallets

Bohinjska Bistrica | Sept. 6, 2023, 10:29 p.m.

I've lost on the 06/09/2023 a wallet in lake Bohinj on the east side, the wallet was dark blue with all credentials inside under the name Sahnoun Houssain. It had an ID, some cash, and bank card with other cards, including social security


Wallet / Wallets

Hsinchu | Jan. 9, 2024, 4:33 a.m.

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Wallet / Wallets

Davao | March 16, 2023, 5:34 p.m.

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Grey Wallet / Wallets

Estoril | June 24, 2023, 2:12 p.m.

Grey Playstation Wallet. Drove from Belem to Estoril via train around 2300 o'clock. Walked around the Casino and went to a Club near the beach at estoril. Then i have noticed that my wallet is missing. Maybe stolen, maybe slipped out of my pocket, idk.

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