• Mobile phone category
  • Losttype

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Salm , tesra9li telifun wiko 4 fi Gafsa fi ma7attet el kiran ........ken 7ad yal9a telifun contactini ala whatsapp +393714129503

Related objects


Lost phone / Mobile phone

Tbilisi | Feb. 10, 2025, 1:02 a.m.

I lost my phone yesterday night at old town location near the sharidein street Phone - Samsung s23fe Blue colour


iPhone XR orange / Mobile phone

Kehl | Nov. 28, 2023, 6:24 p.m.

iPhone XR orange phone case


Iphone 13 / Mobile phone

Riga | Nov. 24, 2024, 12:17 a.m.

My sister lost iphone 13. In case is drivers licence and bank card. Name on drivers licence is Reelika Turnas. Call me +37256759970 or contact on messenger - Eelija Turnas ( no profile picture)


iPhone 7 / Mobile phone

Irvine | Feb. 16, 2023, 3:02 p.m.

I forgot I lost my cell mobile where in Irvine local Red Hill and near freeway local …. Please find it let me reply… thank my phone 3238632488


Mobile phone Samsung A54 in green case / Mobile phone

Luang Prabang | Feb. 14, 2025, noon

It’s a mobile phone in a dark green faux leather case. I left it in a tuktuk….The case also contains several bank cards, a driver’s license and a public transportation card from Holland. Name on the cards is W. Sluijter or W. Kuin (my married name). If you found this please contact my husband through: rudi.kuin@gmail.com


purple iphone 11 with cracked screen / Mobile phone

| Oct. 27, 2023, 7:03 a.m.

hey , i lost my phone on the ama bus. after i left school me and my brother took the bus t9 , and after the bus dropped us off at residencial san antonio , i remembers that i left it on that bus and i stayed at the stop for an hour waiting for the t9 bus to come around again and it never did. i hope no one stole my phone because i have many important things. i hope you guys can help me find it. contact me at thaliagg.231@gmail.com if anything comes up. the phone is a purple iphone 11 with a bad cracked screen and a black case with designs on it.

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