- Wallets category
- Losttype
Property description
Lost cpr, license , bank card Cor :040117332Related objects
Wallet / Wallets
I lost my wallet on the 9th of March in cyberjaya around Mutiara Ville
Barna Pénztárca / Wallets
Pénteken a pénztárcánk elveszett a Mars Ter közelében. Barna színű, oldalán gombzseb található, hasonlóan a mellékelt fotóhoz. Fontos személyes dokumentumokat tartalmaz, például útleveleket és személyi igazolványokat. jutalmat ajánlunk.
Red wallet / Wallets
I lost my red wallet near the skatteverket in Uppsala, all my documents are in it
Black wallet with 2 car keys / Wallets
I've lost a black leather Coach wallet with 2 car keys and a house key attached. I also had cash in my wallet. I would really appreciate getting these items back. I don't have a lot of money to replace my car keys.
Wallet with BRP and Bank Cards / Wallets
My wallet with my BRP card and Bank Cards was stolen in Istanbul. Kindly Contact me through my whatsapp if found +1 250 880 1683. Thank you
I lost my wallet with have important things / Wallets
I lost my wallet with have money and important id's
Category | Wallets |
Location | Manama, Manama, Bahrain Manama |