- Electronics category
- Losttype
Property description
white USB adapter and usb stickRelated objects
Samsung Vivo White Mobile Phone / Electronics
I have lost my white Samsung Vivo Mobile Phone. Please mail me at [email protected] immediately if anyone finds it.
Small remote for dog radio collar / Electronics
Small black remote control for dogs radio collar
Sony G7X Camera / Electronics
Hi, I am missing my Sony G7X camera. I think I lost it while hiking Devils Bridge. It was a black camera in a forrest green case. I lost it on Memorial Day of this year. My number is (520) 248-3257
Camera / Electronics
Yesterday August 10, at around 14 I lost my camera. It is a go pro with a yellow/orange handle, similar to the picture attached. We walked around Old Town Херцег Нови - Стари град, and ate in the Pizzeria Sport Caffe. It has our family pictures.
Mobile phine / Electronics
白色三星手机А50(手机有蓝色的手机case)跟灰色的充电包。15.06.2024、夜里两点三分钟(2.03am)时,上了错的出租车、然后把手机忘记了在车里。地方:“武汉么哈MOJAR(同学广场店)” 附近 “湖北省武汉市洪山区民族大道220号”。 我是男生穿着灰色的裤子和浅粉色的T恤,棕色的短头发,1米84的身高,俄罗斯人。
Phone 📞 / Electronics
iPhone lost on 6/25/2023
Category | Electronics |
Location | Corigliano d'Otranto, Apulia, Italy Corigliano d'Otranto |