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keltainen takki

Related objects


Hat / Clothing

Split | Sept. 17, 2023, 7:10 p.m.

Brown wide rimmed man hat called a Tilly hat. Lost on 17th July in Split.


Box full of hats / Clothing

Sunnyvale | Feb. 8, 2023, 2:51 a.m.

I had a box of hat delivered to this location on accident. 250 hats inside of 2 boxes. They were delivered to this apartment. The manufacturer did not tell me they we’re delivered so I only realized they went to the wrong place recently


Jacket / Clothing

Surat Thani | April 2, 2024, 10:14 a.m.

Left my jacket at airport arrival at Surat Thani date 25.3 .2023


London Fog vintage womens taffeta allweather rainjacket / Clothing

Winder | April 19, 2024, 2:28 a.m.

Lost: A blue London Fog vintage taffeta allweather rainjacket. Last seen at Winder Center for Nursing and Healing in Winder, GA sometime in the middle of March. I have called the facility and they can't find it, but knows they didn't donate it or anything. They are currently looking for it still. It looks something like the picture, but with her name on the tag R.Nash or Ruth Nash. It could even be just Nash. I am offering a $150 reward for its return. She misses the jacket very much.


Iguana woman jacket / Clothing

Vienna | Aug. 25, 2022, 1:19 p.m.

I've left my jacket on a train from Salzburg to Budapest, I left in Vienna and forgot my jacket inside... I'm emotionally attached to it for many reasons, please let me know if you have seen it!!!


Jacket / Clothing

Valencia | Nov. 6, 2023, 5:25 p.m.

Green, lycra fabric jacket

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