- Wallets category
- Losttype
Property description
Hello, I lost my pink wallet with my ARC and my credit cards in Gwamenong, Gyeonggi-do. I lost it near the IKEA!Related objects
Wallet / Wallets
I lost my wallet on the 9th of March in cyberjaya around Mutiara Ville
Lost Wallet / Wallets
Lost white coach wallet in the bathrooms at lacy park. Name is Sophia Angleton. Please return It has my drivers license. None of the cards work anymore I can’t afford to get stolen from please.
wallet / Wallets
black wallet logo "pragati" with documents such as ID, driver license and credit cards belonging to Matyáš Petr Švec aged 18 at 02/02/2006.
Wallet / Wallets
Lost my wallet black on 09/08/2023 around rodaun Vienna, containing my Spanish residence card with my bank card's. Please if found contact me on +34624364206 thanks
Wallet / Wallets
Lost my wallet on the way to watch a movie at KLCC. I forgot it on the seat of my Grab. Black leather wallet with my name embossed on it in gold, Nadeem S Chaudhry. Has my credit cards, ATM cards and most importantly my driving licenses in it. RM500 prize money for anyone who finds it.
Wallet / Wallets
Black wallet with orange lining inside
Category | Wallets |
Location | Seoul, Seoul, South Korea Seoul |