- Wallets category
- Losttype
Property description
Duration 6.30 -7.30 pm, Location: Dordoi Plaza to the Back side of Alma, Bishkek city Masrootka Number: 227 Wallet Appearance: Black, Tri Fold, having a button Material inside the Wallet: ~2.5k com, Optima Visa Card, Dostuk Gym Card, Allied Bank (Union Pay) Card Date. November 19, 2023Related objects
Black small wallet with id inside / Wallets
It’s a small black wallet with my card, my polish id and my insurance card, there’s some cash in there as well (Israeli shekel’s)
Driver License / Wallets
I loose my driver license when I was traveling with Flixbus from Amsterdam to Gothenburg. The bus was stop in the board and I was asked to show my passport and I think in this process my driver license fell down and I didn't see it. I'm trying to find where is it. Thank you for the support.
Lost Wallet / Wallets
Lost black Wallet with drivers license and Identity Card. Sitze: 10 x 9.5 cm. Name: Claus Bierling
Wallet / Wallets
I lost a black wallet with several cards inside and an ID with name SPIRE Florian. The wallet was probably lost somewhere between bus 75 and hotel fortuna boat.
Barna Pénztárca / Wallets
Pénteken a pénztárcánk elveszett a Mars Ter közelében. Barna színű, oldalán gombzseb található, hasonlóan a mellékelt fotóhoz. Fontos személyes dokumentumokat tartalmaz, például útleveleket és személyi igazolványokat. jutalmat ajánlunk.
Wallet / Wallets
Black RFID Wallet with creditcards, driving permission and identy card
Category | Wallets |
Location | Bishkek, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Bishkek |