- Mobile phone category
- Losttype
Property description
Lost phone Samsung with broken screen and a yellow post-It on the back, lost 19/03/2024 on the Munxar path neat the Munxar window.Related objects
Lost mobile phone - One Plus 9 in brown, wooden (cork) case. Left in Bolt taxi. / Mobile phone
OnePlus 9 Pro phone in wooden (cork) brown case left in Bolt Taxi on Sunday 17 November 2024 during COP29. Driver name is Mensur. Taxi was from De Rama Cafe (Mehbalı Zeynalabdiyev 5, Baku) at 17:20 to the Old City (Vəli Məmmədov / İçəri Şəhər 24, Baku), arriving at 17:31. Invoice number for Bolt trip: Faktura № 1377239-AZ1124-1296 Qeydiyyat kodu: 1404335912
Samsung S21 / Mobile phone
I've lost Samsung S 21 with S-pen in the Black Cover In Leysin or in Aigle in the Shop Media Market or near Under the Black Cover it is white and fully brocken. Please help it broken phone but I need it because all my Contests and note are there Thank You
lost wallet and phone, ໂທລະສັບ ແລະກະເປົາເງິນເສຍ / Mobile phone
I lost my phone and wallet between home and Pakse. My bag was open and it fell out coming home last night. I didn't notice till I got home, and I spent a hour looking. Ive triple check the Dirt road the next morning with no luck. I have a samsung S20+ with a black slim case and a black wallet with my ID, and debt card. Jesse Urlacher. Hopefully someone finds it and turns it in the police station. ຂ້ອຍເສຍໂທລະສັບແລະກະເປົາເງິນລະຫວ່າງບ້ານກັບປາກເຊ. ກະເປົາຂອງຂ້ອຍເປີດຢູ່ ແລະມັນຕົກອອກມາເມື່ອຄືນທີ່ຜ່ານມາ. ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າບໍ່ໄດ້ສັງເກດຈົນກ່ວາຂ້າພະເຈົ້າກັບບ້ານ, ແລະຂ້າພະເຈົ້າໃຊ້ເວລາຫນຶ່ງຊົ່ວໂມງຊອກຫາ. Ive triple ກວດເບິ່ງເສັ້ນທາງຝຸ່ນໃນຕອນເຊົ້າມື້ຕໍ່ມາໂດຍບໍ່ມີຄວາມໂຊກດີ. ຂ້ອຍມີ samsung S20+ ທີ່ມີກະເປົ໋າກະທັດຮັດສີ ດຳ ແລະກະເປົາເງິນສີດຳ ພ້ອມບັດປະຈຳຕົວ, ແລະບັດໜີ້. Jesse Urlacher. ຫວັງເປັນຢ່າງຍິ່ງວ່າມີຄົນພົບເຫັນມັນແລະຫັນມັນຢູ່ໃນສະຖານີຕໍາຫຼວດ.
Lost an iPhone XR / Mobile phone
iPhone XR with black case and cracked screen
iphone13 / Mobile phone
Please help me find my iPhone 13 I lost on/near the rainbow road downtown. The iPhone itself is blue, but the case on it is a textured black case with colored speckles. The Lock Screen is a sunflower.
Mobile phone Vivo Y17s / Mobile phone
I lost mt phone in a public transport in tuisia I need to get it back
Category | Mobile phone |
Location | Marsaskala, Marsaskala, Malta Marsaskala |