- Mobile phone category
- Losttype
Property description
i lost my black samsung Mobilphone in in Airplan between oslo and qatar (doha) in 6 and 7 Mai in the night and morning early ( inside the airplan , thanks for frindly helpRelated objects
Iphone 13 / Mobile phone
I lost my phone on the night of the 3rd morning of the 4th of April, after leaving the Instant Club, if found, please text the following number +31 (0) 6 82 63 76 68. It is a blue Iphone 13, with a see-through case. Április 4-én éjjel elvesztettem a telefonom, miután kiléptem az Instant Clubból, ha megtalálják, kérem jelezzék a +31 (0) 6 82 63 76 68-as számon. Ez egy kék Iphone 13, átlátszó tokkal.
Mobile phone model OnePlus 7T / Mobile phone
I forgot my phone in a taxi. Now I can't find the taxi the cab company contact number is "0243 8215 215" Last I remember my phone with me is on 14th Aug 2022 around 4:30 AM when I was in the Taxi. My contact number is 0862014090
google pixel 6a / Mobile phone
Cell Phone / Mobile phone
Phone is white, model number is GLX Shahin II and it was on the flight mode when I lost it. This is the exact place where I lost it: https://www.google.com/maps/place/41%C2%B041'35.6%22N+44%C2%B048'07.0%22E/@41.693218,44.8013003,165m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d41.693218!4d44.801944?entry=ttu
iphone 14 / Mobile phone
white iPhone with black cover
phone / Mobile phone
I have lost my iphone 13 phone
Category | Mobile phone |
Location | None |