- Wallets category
- Losttype
Property description
I have lost a wallet with var keys on Oldenzaal.Related objects
black wallet lost / Wallets
Black wallet , inside with Singapore work permit named “ Lu x x”, China IC , bank card ..call 65- 98344293 ,thanks .
wallet / Wallets
contain ic, foonyew student card
Wallet / Wallets
I lost my black colour wallet while i was returning from work to home. My wallet includes danske bank card, my Henkilakortti, Nabil bank card and so on.
Lost wallet in canby left on top of car in space age gas station / Wallets
I left my wallet on top of my car after putting air in my tires in the space age gas station. After that I left the parking lot driving to Wilsonville from I-205 northbound leaving from Canby using Barlow Road. I think my wallet fell off my car sometime between the space-age gas station in canby, and Wilsonville Oregon’s Safeway Grocery store. I assume it’s still in Canby somewhere because my car wouldn’t hold my wallet so long. Good luck and thank you if you find it.
wallet / Wallets
Hello, I lost my black wallet with my credit cards,compas card and identification, one of them Mexican, and a photograph where I am with my girlfriend. I lost it on the R1 bus heading to Gildford.
Black color [KANGOL] wallet / Wallets
Black kangol wallet Name : Jimin Lee Yonsei University
Category | Wallets |
Location | Oldenzaal, Overijssel, Netherlands Oldenzaal |