- Mobile phone category
- Losttype
Property description
I left my iPhone on the seat before boarding the plane. It was collected by the Airport Police in Baku. Now they have sent the phone to another police station and i am unable to track it. please help me find my phone. i have years of data in it.Related objects

Iphone XR / Mobile phone
Lost Iphone XR white in Topol Slovenia on 7.1.22.

Phone with blue coloured phone cover inside a white small bag / Mobile phone
Item was left on the bus stop seat at Parramatta Park near the phone booth right in front of Cairns Show grounds. If anyone has located my phone that I had in my white small bag please kindly call me on 0433458339.

Google Pixel 2 with very cracked screen, red bank card in wallet / Mobile phone
Lost last Sunday around 5-6am. Either left in Antwerpen-Burchem station, the 'enterance station' of Antwerpen-Centraal, or dropped whilst walking in between - if it was at one of the stations, someone picked it up within 1 hour of me leaving it, but hasn't wiped the phone or turned it on. Bank card is Santander if still there.

Telefoon iPhone 8 / Mobile phone
Waarschijnlijk op het parkeerterrein in de bossen bij het strand van Mimizan zwarte iPhone 8 verloren. Er zit een barst in en een hoekje is stuk

I have lost my huawei nova7i / Mobile phone
My phone was protected with a black case and my id card was inside the case

Handy / Mobile phone
Ein Samsung Galexy S7 in einer grünen Handyschutz Umhüllung.
Category | Mobile phone |
Location | Baku, Baki, Azerbaijan Baku |