- Wallets category
- Losttype
Property description
Lost dark blue Lacoste wallet with lots of cards and USBs inside Reward if returnedRelated objects

Change purse with lemurs pattern / Wallets
Small change purse with lemurs pattern. Inside: - keys - Navegante yellow transportation card - Erasmus Lisboa student card - a 50 euros bill

Red wallet - holds only passes / Wallets
I lost my darkred wallet including very important personal passes. Please let me know if you’ve found this. My last name is Ligtvoet

Wallet with driving license, id and bank cards. / Wallets
Wallet with personal documents on name Венямин Хайрапетян.

Black purse a little texture / Wallets
A small black purse That had a green card , a indian drivers licence A indian pan card

Lost Black Wallet. Name - Malayaka Mukhia / Wallets
I left my wallet behind and cannot recall exactly where. It’s a black foldable purse with id cards and has some Indian currency. Name - Malayaka Mukhia. If found please contact 032 8290848. I will be really grateful and am even willing to pay you. Please help me.

Black wallet / Wallets
Ive lost my wallet, inside of it there is my id, driving license, my cards and some money. Name is Mehmet Karınyarıcı. Maybe between smash burgers and garage Obilićev venac or at the garage idk.
Category | Wallets |
Location | Carcassonne, Occitanie, France Carcassonne |