- Jewelry category
- Losttype
Property description
2 identical wedding bands with diamonds all the way around lost At cottesloe beach playground September 2022Related objects
Wedding ring / Jewelry
Wedding Ring carbon and gold. "Holger 29.Juli 2022
Wedding Band / Jewelry
I lost my wedding band (in the photo its on the left arrow pointed at it) on Saturday September 21st, 2024 at Mecca during Ummrah. If its in the Lost and Found please contact me. Please help me find as it has sentimental value!!! I am staying at Mecca Hotels next to Mecca. If found, please contact. There is a REWARD if found. Please contact 647-283-2138 (canadian number) or [email protected] email
Necklace / Jewelry
The chain is gold with a purple butterfly pendant
rozes piespraudīte / Jewelry
rozes formas piespraudīte, ar rozā, violētu un nelielu sirsniņu vidū
Gold ring / Jewelry
Deutsch: „Ich habe einen weißgoldenen Ehering für Männer, der von innen graviert ist, am Strand verloren.“ Französisch: „J’ai perdu une alliance pour homme en or blanc, gravée à l’intérieur, à la plage.“ Flämisch (Niederländisch in Belgien): „Ik heb een witgouden trouwring voor mannen, gegraveerd aan de binnenkant, op het strand verloren.“
Earring / Jewelry
1 silver stud earring
Category | Jewelry |
Location | Perth, Western Australia, Australia Perth |