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People tend to lose many things because of various possible reasons, starting from usual forgetfulness to short-term inability to keep belongings safe. And the value of the lost property may be pretty different: either this is minor stuff left behind by accident or keys and mobile phones that may become an obstacle preventing you from coming home and contacting relatives or close people. So that such situations could be prevented, the lost and found property in São Paulo can be found with the help of Tagmefy.
- Adamantina
- Aguaí
- Águas de Lindóia
- Agudos
- Altinópolis
- Álvares Machado
- Americana
- Américo Brasiliense
- Amparo
- Andradina
- Angatuba
- Aparecida
- Apiaí
- Araçatuba
- Araçoiaba da Serra
- Araraquara
- Araras
- Artur Nogueira
- Arujá
- Assis
- Atibaia
- Auriflama
- Avaré
- Bady Bassitt
- Bariri
- Barra Bonita
- Barretos
- Barrinha
- Barueri
- Bastos
- Batatais
- Bauru
- Bebedouro
- Bernardino de Campos
- Bertioga
- Birigui
- Biritiba Mirim
- Boa Esperança do Sul
- Boituva
- Bom Jesus dos Perdões
- Borborema
- Botucatu
- Bragança Paulista
- Brodósqui
- Brotas
- Buri
- Buritama
- Cabreúva
- Caçapava
- Caconde
- Cafelândia
- Caieiras
- Cajamar
- Cajati
- Cajuru
- Campinas
- Campos do Jordão
- Cananéia
- Cândido Mota
- Capâo Bonito
- Capela do Alto
- Capivari
- Caraguatatuba
- Carapicuíba
- Cardoso
- Casa Branca
- Castilho
- Catanduva
- Cerqueira César
- Cerquilho
- Charqueada
- Chavantes
- Conchal
- Conchas
- Cordeirópolis
- Cosmópolis
- Cotia
- Cravinhos
- Cruzeiro
- Cubatão
- Cunha
- Descalvado
- Diadema
- Dois Córregos
- Duartina
- Elias Fausto
- Embu
- Embu Guaçu
- Espírito Santo do Pinhal
- Fartura
- Fernandópolis
- Ferraz de Vasconcelos
- Franca
- Francisco Morato
- Franco da Rocha
- Garça
- General Salgado
- Guaíra
- Guapiaçu
- Guará
- Guararapes
- Guararema
- Guaratinguetá
- Guariba
- Guarujá
- Guarulhos
- Hortolândia
- Ibaté
- Ibitinga
- Ibiúna
- Igaraçu do Tietê
- Igarapava
- Iguape
- Ilhabela
- Ilha Solteira
- Indaiatuba
- Ipauçu
- Iperó
- Ipuã
- Iracemápolis
- Itaberá
- Itaí
- Itajobi
- Itanhaém
- Itapecerica da Serra
- Itapetininga
- Itapeva
- Itapevi
- Itapira
- Itápolis
- Itaporanga
- Itapuí
- Itaquaquecetuba
- Itararé
- Itatiba
- Itatinga
- Itirapina
- Itu
- Itupeva
- Ituverava
- Jaboticabal
- Jacareí
- Jacupiranga
- Jaguariúna
- Jales
- Jandira
- Jardinópolis
- Jarinu
- Jaú
- Joanópolis
- José Bonifácio
- Jundiaí
- Junqueirópolis
- Juquiá
- Juquitiba
- Laranjal Paulista
- Leme
- Lençóis Paulista
- Limeira
- Lins
- Lorena
- Louveira
- Lucélia
- Macatuba
- Mairinque
- Mairiporã
- Maracaí
- Marília
- Martinópolis
- Matão
- Mauá
- Miguelópolis
- Miracatu
- Mirandopólis
- Mirante do Paranapanema
- Mococa
- Mogi das Cruzes
- Mogi Guaçu
- Mogi Mirim
- Mongaguá
- Monte Alto
- Monte Aprazível
- Monte Azul Paulista
- Monte Mor
- Morro Agudo
- Nhandeara
- Nova Granada
- Nova Odessa
- Novo Horizonte
- Nuporanga
- Olímpia
- Orlândia
- Osasco
- Osvaldo Cruz
- Ourinhos
- Pacaembu
- Palmital
- Panorama
- Paraguaçu Paulista
- Paranapanema
- Pariquera Açu
- Paulínia
- Paulista Flórida
- Pederneiras
- Pedregulho
- Pedreira
- Penápolis
- Pereira Barreto
- Peruíbe
- Piedade
- Pilar do Sul
- Pindamonhangaba
- Pindorama
- Piquete
- Piracaia
- Piracicaba
- Piraju
- Pirajuí
- Pirapora do Bom Jesus
- Pirapozinho
- Pirassununga
- Pitangueiras
- Poá
- Pompéia
- Pontal
- Porto Feliz
- Porto Ferreira
- Pradópolis
- Praia Grande
- Presidente Bernardes
- Presidente Epitácio
- Presidente Prudente
- Presidente Venceslau
- Promissão
- Quatá
- Rancharia
- Regente Feijó
- Registro
- Ribeirão Bonito
- Ribeirão Branco
- Ribeirão Pires
- Ribeirão Preto
- Rio Claro
- Rio das Pedras
- Rio Grande da Serra
- Riolândia
- Salto
- Salto de Pirapora
- Santa Adélia
- Santa Bárbara d'Oeste
- Santa Branca
- Santa Cruz das Palmeiras
- Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo
- Santa Fé do Sul
- Santa Gertrudes
- Santa Isabel
- Santana de Parnaíba
- Santa Rita do Passa Quatro
- Santa Rosa de Viterbo
- Santo Anastácio
- Santo André
- Santo Antônio de Posse
- Santos
- São Bernardo do Campo
- São Caetano do Sul
- São Carlos
- São João da Boa Vista
- São Joaquim da Barra
- São José do Rio Pardo
- São José do Rio Preto
- São José dos Campos
- São Lourenço da Serra
- São Manuel
- São Paulo
- São Pedro
- São Roque
- São Sebastião
- São Simão
- São Vicente
- Serrana
- Serra Negra
- Sertãozinho
- Severínia
- Socorro
- Sorocaba
- Sumaré
- Suzano
- Tabatinga
- Taboão da Serra
- Tambaú
- Tanabi
- Taquaritinga
- Taquarituba
- Tarumã
- Tatuí
- Taubaté
- Teodoro Sampaio
- Tietê
- Tremembé
- Tupã
- Tupi Paulista
- Ubatuba
- Urupês
- Valinhos
- Valparaíso
- Vargem Grande do Sul
- Várzea Paulista
- Vinhedo
- Viradouro
- Votorantim
- Votuporanga
In most cases, such lost and found stuff in São Paulo is stored in the checkroom of the company, while the announcement is being placed by the holder through the website. Then, if the owner is found, his identity is verified, and the lost property is handed to him, in another case, the maximum period of storing the belongings lasts for 60 days. It is also recommended to be aware of the fact that the property might be checked as a potential threat or disinfected to get rid of viruses, so its safety cannot be guaranteed after such procedures.
But sometimes companies are not able to regulate the situation, and the owner is ought to act on his own. For example, not everyone knows what to do when losing property, and so many problems may appear based on the panicked reaction and inability to remember what to do because of lack of experience in losing the belonging things.
What to do?
Because of that, you should remember to do the next steps:
- Calm down, pull yourself together and try to get distracted, for example, while listening to your favourite music - the main thing is not to panic.
- Having lost the documents, important papers, check once again your pockets, bag, diplomat carefully – there may be a possibility of simply losing it from the sight.
- Without finding the keys or when noticing the loss of jewellery, look carefully around you, in the folds of your clothes or bag.
- American scientists have conducted a study that claims that the lost thing in 90 per cent of cases is within a radius of 1.5 meters from the place where you noticed the loss.
- Recover mentally the chronology of events for the slightest details to understand where you most likely lost things.
If all the methods above did not give a positive result, please visit the website of our company, and we help people to quickly find lost things. The navigation and design of the website are fully adapted to the intuitional understanding of where to click and what to enter to search for the desired stuff you miss so much.
Set the filter for the property you search, look carefully for the results introduced by the photo attached and brief description given, and there you may get a high possibility to contact a person or a company that has found the lost stuff.